Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 8, 2011

SD Easy GIF 1.0 Full Crack

File Size: 14MB

SD Easy GIF - Software yang digunakan untuk membuat dan mengedit animasi berformat GIF dari photo dan juga bisa membuat animasi dari Video berformat AVI. Dengan dilengkapi editor kita bisa mudah membuat banner dengan software ini.

Klik untuk memperbesar

With SoftDigi Easy GIF You Can:

- Easily create animated banners and pictures

- Create animated GIF images from scratch

- Edit and modify animated GIF images

- Add image effects to your GIF animation (such as monochrome, negative, grayscale, color

effects, etc.)

- Optimize animated GIF images so they take less space and load faster. Easy GIF

automatically optimizes image files so that you do not have to take any extra steps to reduce

the size of your files.

- Resize whole animations at once or resize separate animation frame

- Manage animation frames

- Set animation loop count and frame duration

- Extract separate animation frames

- Reverse GIF animation or a portion of it

- Easily set transparency

- Add sound to your animation

- Save animation in SWF Flash format

- Export GIF animation to AVI format

- Use GIF, JPG, PNG and BMP images in your animation, also use icon files ICO and

animated cursors ANI

- Import AVI files

Work on: Windows XP / Vista / Seven


Tested..Worked :)


Installer & Crack

Crack Only

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